Below you can find the list of the publications that SCAN members have participated, in chronological order:
N. Koursioumpas, L. Magoula, I. Stavrakakis, N. Alonistioti, M. A. Gutierrez-Estevez and R. Khalili, “DISTINQT: A Distributed Privacy Aware Learning Framework for QoS Prediction for Future Mobile and Wireless Networks,” in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2025.3542499
L. Magoula, N. Koursioumpas, T. Panagea, N. Alonistioti, C. Ghribi, and J. Shakya, “SIM+: A comprehensive implementation-agnostic information model assisting AI-driven optimization for beyond 5G networks,” Computer Networks, vol. 240, p. 110190, 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.comnet.2024.110190.
Nancy Alonistioti, Evangelia Aikaterini Tsichrintzi, Konstantina Chrysafiadi, Efthimios Alepis, “Fuzzy Logic for Personalisation of Fire Emergency Alerts via Mobile Phones”, The 14th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, 10-12 July 2023, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
N. Koursioumpas, S. Barmpounakis, I. Stavrakakis, N. Alonistioti, “AI-driven, Context-Aware Profiling for 5G and Beyond Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, November 2021, doi: 10.1109/TNSM.2021.3126948.
Sokratis Barmpounakis, Lina Magoula, Nikolaos Koursioumpas, Ramin Khalili, Jose Mauricio Perdomo, Ramya Panthangi Manjunath., “LSTM-based QoS prediction for 5G-enabled Connected and Automated Mobility applications”, IEEE 5G World Forum, IEEE Future Networks Initiative, 13-15 October 2021.
L. Magoula, S. Barmpounakis, I. Stavrakakis, N. Alonistioti, “A Genetic Algorithm approach for Service Function Chain Placement in 5G and Beyond, Virtualized Edge Networks“, Elsevier Computer Networks, accepted May 2021 (DOI available soon).
Vitor A. Cunha, Nikolaos Maroulis, Chrysa Papagianni, Javier Sacido, Manuel Jiménez, Fabio Ubaldi, Molka Gharbaoui, Chia- Yu Chang, Nikolaos Koursioumpas, Konstantin Tomakh, Daniel Corujo, João P. Barraca, Sokratis Barmpounakis, Denys Kucherenko, Alessio Giorgetti, Andrea Boddi, Luca Valcarenghi, Oleksii Kolodiazhnyi, Aitor Zabala, Josep Xavier Salvat, Andres Garcia-Saavedra, “5Growth: Secure and Reliable Network Slicing for Verticals”, EuCNC 2021 and 6G summit: European Conference on Networks and Communications, accepted April 2021.
Danny de Vleeschauwer, Jorge Baranda, Josep Mangues-Bafalluy, Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, Marco Malinverno, Corrado Puligheddu, Lina Magoula, Jorge Martín-Pérez, Sokratis Barmpounakis, Koteswararao Kondepu, Luca Valcarenzhi, Xi Li, Chrysa Papagianni, Andres Garcia-Saavedra, “5Growth Data Driven AI-based Scaling”, EuCNC 2021 and 6G summit: European Conference on Networks and Communications, accepted April 2021.
Dirk Hetzer, Maciej Muehleisen, Apostolos Kousaridas, Sokratis Barmpounakis, Stefan Wendt, Kurt Eckert, Andreas Schimpe, Johan Löfhede, Jesus Alonso-Zarate, “5G Connected and Automated Driving: Use Cases, Technologies and Trials in Cross-border Environments”, Springer Open, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, April 2021, DOI:‐021‐01976‐6.
Apostolos Kousaridas, Mikael Fallgren, Edwin Fischer, Francesca Moscatelli, Ricard Vilalta, Maciej Mühleisen, Sokratis Barmpounakis, Xavier Vilajosana,Sebastian Euler, Bruno Tossou, and Jesus Alonso-Zarate, “5G Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) services in cross-border environments: Standardization and Challenges”, IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 22-30, March 2021, doi: 10.1109/MCOMSTD.001.2000058.
Jorge Martín‐Pérez, Lina Magoula, Kiril Antevski, Carlos Guimarães, Jorge Baranda, Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, Andrea Sgambelluri, Chrysa Papagianni, Andrés García‐Saavedra, Ricardo Martínez, Francesco Paolucci, Sokratis Barmpounakis, Luca Valcarenghi, Claudio EttoreCasetti, Xi Li, Carlos J Bernardos, Danny De Vleeschauwer, Koen De Schepper, Panagiotis Kontopoulos, Nikolaos Koursioumpas, Corrado Puligheddu, Josep Mangues‐Bafalluy, Engin Zeydan, Book Chapter “Self-Managed 5G Networks”, Book Title: “Communications Network and Service Management In the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning”, ISBN: 1119675502, 9781119675501.
Chrysa Papagianni, Josep Mangues-Bafalluy, Pedro J Bermudez, Sokratis Barmpounakis, Danny De Vleeschauwer, Juan Brenes, Engin Zeydan, Claudio Casetti, Carlos Guimaraes, Pablo García Murillo, Andres Garcia-Saavedra, Daniel Corujo, Teresa Pepe, “5Growth: AI-driven 5G for Automation in Vertical Industries,” 2020 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2020, pp. 17-22, doi: 10.1109/EuCNC48522.2020.9200919.
Sokratis Barmpounakis, George Tsiatsios, Michael Papadakis, Evangelos Mitsianis, Nikolaos Koursioumpas, Nancy Alonistioti., “Collision Avoidance in 5G using MEC and NFV: The Vulnerable Road User safety use case”, The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking (Computer Networks Journal), Elsevier, Volume 172, 8 May 2020, 107150, DOI:
M. Luis, S. Sargento, J. Ortiz, J. Santa, P. Fernandez, M. G. Perez, G. M. Perez, S. Barmpounakis, Nancy Alonistioti, “Exploring Cloud Virtualization over Vehicular Networks with Mobility Support ”, Book chapter in “Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Smart Cities”, CRC-Taylor&Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, ISBN: 9780429329401.
Apostolos Kousaridas, Andreas Schimpe, Sebastian Euler, Xavier Vilajosana, Mikael Fallgren, Giada Landi, Francesca Moscatelli, Sokratis Barmpounakis, Francisco Vázquez-Gallego, Roshan Sedar, Rodrigo Silva, Laurent Dizambourg, Stefan Wendt, Maciej Muehleisen, Kurt Eckert, Jérôme Härri, Jesus Alonso-Zarate, “5G Cross-Border Operation for Connected and Automated Mobility: Challenges and Solutions”. Future Internet 2020, 12, 5.
Sokratis Barmpounakis, Nikolaos Maroulis, Michael Papadakis, George Tsiatsios, Dimitrios Soukaras, Nancy Alonistioti, “Network Slicing – enabled RAN Management for 5G: Cross Layer Control based on SDN and SDR”, The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking (COMNET Journal), Elsevier, Vol. 166, 2020, ISSN 1389-1286.
S. Barmpounakis, N.Alonistioti, “A survey of existing testbeds for Programmable Networks”, Programmable Network Architecture and Protocols, Wiley 5G REF: The Essential 5G Reference Online, by John Wiley & Sons, DOI:
S.Barmpounakis, A. Kaloxylos, P. Spapis, N. Alonistioti, «Context-aware, user-driven, network-controlled RAT selection for 5G networks», The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking (COMNET Journal), Elsevier, vol. 113, pp. 124-147, 2017.
Daniel Calabuig, Sokratis Barmpounakis, Sonia Gimenez, Apostolos Kousaridas, Tilak R. Lakshmana, Javier Lorca, Petteri Lunden, Zhe Ren, Pawel Sroka, Emmanuel Ternon, Venkatkumar Venkatasubramanian, Michal Maternia, «Resource and Mobility Management in the Network Layer of 5G Cellular Ultra-Dense Networks», IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 55, Issue: 6, pp 162-169, 2017
Panagis Magdalinos, Sokratis Barmpounakis, Panagiotis Spapis, Alexandros Kaloxylos, Georgios Kyprianidis, Apostolis Kousaridas, Nancy Alonistioti, Chan Zhou, «A Context Extraction and Profiling Engine for 5G Network Resource Mapping», The International Journal for the Computer and Telecommunications Industry (COMCOM Journal), Elsevier Computer Communications, Volume 109, Pages 184-201, September 2017
K. Chatzikokolakis, P. Spapis, A. Kaloxylos, N. Alonistioti, ”Towards spectrum sharing: opportunities and technical enablers”. Communications Magazine, IEEE, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 26-33, July 2015
Chatzikokolakis K. ; Spapis P.; Kaloxylos A.; Beinas G.; Alonistioti N.; “Spectrum sharing: A coordination framework enabled by fuzzy-logic,” International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS), 15-17 July 2015
L. Katsikas, K. Chatzikokolakis, N. Alonistioti, “Implementing Clustering for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks in ns-3″. Workshop on NS-3 2015, WNS3 ’15
S. Barmpounakis, A. Kaloxylos, A. Groumas et. al, «Management & Control applications in Agriculture domain via a Future Internet Business-to-Business Platform», Information Processing in Agriculture Journal (IPA), May 2015
Makis Stamatelatos, Dirk Osstyn, Simon Delaere, The Creative Ring Conceptual Architecture, EANN ’15 Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (INNS), (2015)P. Diamantopoulos, E. Patouni, N. Bompetsis, N. Alonistioti, J. Gonçalves, L. Cordeiro, I. P. Chochliouros, G. Lyberopoulos, “Video-to-Video E-Health Applications Supporting Medical Use Cases for Remote Patients”, Springer – Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, vol. 437 of the series IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology , pp. 24-29.
Chatzikokolakis K. ; Kaloxylos A.; Spapis P.; Alonistioti N.; Zhou C.; Eichinger J.; Bulakci O, “On the Way to Massive Access in 5G: Challenges and Solutions for Massive Machine Communications,” Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications, 2015. CrownCom 2015. 10th International Conference on , 21-23 April 2015
D. Alonistiotis, E. Kontou, N. Karachalios, E. Patouni, P. Diamantopoulos, N. Bompetsis, N. Alonistioti, I. P. Chochliouros, “Remote Video-to-Video Eye Telemonitoring Use Case for Glaucoma Patients”, Springer – Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations , vol. 437 of the series IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, pp. 48-55
Stamatelatos, M., Kaloxylos, A., Paraskevopoulos, A. Alonistioti, N.: A Generic Scheme and a Validation Model for SON Coordination in 5G Networks. The 6th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA), (2015).
P. Magdalinos, A. Kaloxylos, N. Alonistioti, “Context Monitoring Optimization in Autonomic Networks”, Springer – Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 81, Issue 1 (2015), Page 279-302
A. Kousaridas. S. Falangitis, P.Magdalinos, N. Alonistioti, M. Dillinger, ”SYSTAS: Density-based Algorithm for Clusters Discovery in Wireless
Networks”, IEEE 25th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications – (PIMRC): Services Applications and Business, 2015
R.Arapoglou, I.Rodis, P.Magdalinos, N.Alonistioti, “Adapting Policy-based Management of Future Networks using Collaborative Filtering Techniques”, In the Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks, Dec 1-3, December, 2014
S. Barmpounakis, A. Kaloxylos, P. Spapis, N. Alonistioti, “COmpAsS: A Context-Aware, User-Oriented RAT Selection Mechanism in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”, Mobility 2014, Fourth International Confrence on Mobile Services, Resources, and Users, July 20-24 – 2014, Paris, France
J. F. Monserrat, , H. Droste, Ö. Bulakci, J. Eichinger, O. Queseth, M. Stamatelatos, H.Tullberg,V. Venkatkumar, G. Zimmermann, U. Dötsch, A. Osseiran, “Rethinking the Mobile and Wireless Network Architecture: The METIS Research into 5G”, EuCNC 2014, June 23-26, Bologna, Italy
H. Droste, G. Zimmermann, M. Stamatelatos, N. Lindqvist, Ö. Bulakci, J. Eichinger, V. Venkatasubramanian, U. Dötsch, H. Tullberg, ”The METIS 5G Architecture”, IEEE VTC Spring 2015, May 11-14, 2015, Glasgow, Scotland
K. Chatzikokolakis, A. Kaloxylos, P. Spapis, N. Alonistioti, C. Zhou, J. Eichinger, Ö. Bulakci, “A survey of location management mechanisms and an evaluation of their applicability for 5G cellular networks,” Recent Advances in Communications and Networking Technology, Bentham Science Publishers, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 106-116, 2014.
A. Kaloxylos,S. Barmpounakis, P. Spapis, N. Alonistioti, “An efficient RAT selection mechanism for 5G cellular networks”, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 4-8 August 2014, Nicosia, Cyprus
P. Spapis, K. Chatzikokolakis, A. Kaloxylos, N. Alonistioti, “Using SDN as a key enabler for co-primary spectrum sharing”, accepted for publication on the proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications IISA 07-09 July, Chania, Greece, 2014
Apostolos Kousaridas, Alexandros Kaloxylos, Panagis Magdalinos, Thanos Makris, Georgios P. Koudouridis, Gunnar Hedby, Nancy Alonistioti: Integrating the self-growing concept in a self-organizing wireless network for topology optimization. Int. Journal of Network Management Volume 24, Issue 2, March 2014
A.Kaloxylos, A.Groumas, V.Sarris, L.Katsikas, P.Magdalinos, E.Antoniou, Z.Politopoulou, S.Wolfert, C.Brewster, R.Eigenmann, C.M.Terol, “A cloud-based Farm Management System: Architecture and implementation”, Elsevier Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Volume 100, Issue 1, January 2014
R. Arapoglou, E. Patouni, N. Alonistioti, “A Unified Framework for QoS and SLA aware multidomain self-management: A Use Case Demonstration”,in the UniverSelf Workshop on Managing Autonomic Network Functions, 20 November 2013, Orange Labs, Issy Les Moulineaux, France
E.Patouni, A.Merentitis, P.Panagiotopoulos, A.Glentis and N.Alonistioti, “Network Virtualisation Trends: Virtually Anything is Possible by Connecting the Unconnected”, in the Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Software Defined Networks for Future Networks and Services Workshop, (SDN4FNS 2013), 11-13 November 2013, Trento, Italy
Roi Arapoglou, Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis, George Katsikas, Nancy Alonistioti, “A Dynamic Governance Framework for Efficient Orchestration of HetNet Empowerment Mechanisms”, IEEE 4th International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies 2013, 17-19 June 2013, Paris, France
B. Fuentes, E.Patouni, N. Alonistioti, Organizers of the session “Network operators’ perspective on Future Networks challenges”, Best Session Award in Future Internet Assembly (FIA) 2013, Dublin, Ireland, 8-10 May 2013.
B. Fuentes, E. Patouni, T. Ratio, E. Kosmatos, R. Arapoglou, G. Katsikas, ‘Network and Service Governance for the Management of Future Networks’, in the Proceedings of the Future Network and MobileSummit 2013, 03 – 05 July 2013, Lisbon, Portugal,
Apostolidis, D. Siouras, N. Alonistioti, ” An outage compensation algorithm for WLANs “, ”, IEEE 4th International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies 2013, 17-19 June 2013, Paris, France
P. Diamantopoulos, N. Mpompetsis, E.Patouni, N. Alonistioti, “Live Video-to-Video Supporting Interactive City Infrastructure”, Best Demonstration Award in Future Internet Assebly (FIA) 2014, Athens, Greece
G. Katsikas, R. Arapoglou, E. Patouni, N. Alonistioti, “Unified Management for Converged Networks”, Future Network & MobileSummit 2013 Exhibition, Demonstration Stand, Lisbon, Portugal
Mihailovic, A. Kousaridas, A. Jaron, P. Pangalos, N. Alonistioti, Η. A. Aghvami, “Self-Management of Future Access Networks for dynamic Configuration and Optimisation” Springer Wireless Personal Communications, 72(1), pp. 343-374, 2013.
K. Tsagkaris, G. Nguengang, A. Galani, I. Gridabenyahia, M. Ghader, A. Kaloxylos, M. Gruber, A. Kousaridas, M. Bouet, S. Georgoulas, A. Bantouna, N. Alonistioti, P. Demestichas “A survey of autonomic networking architectures: towards a Unified Management Framework”, Wiley International Journal of Network Management, 23(6), pp. 402-423, 2013.
Spapis, P.; Theodoropoulos, P.; Katsikas, G.; Alonistioti, N.; Georgoulas, S., “A scheme for adaptive self-diagnosis of QoS degradation in future networks,” Integrated Network Management (IM 2013), 2013 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.724,727, 27-31 May 2013
S. Mparmpounakis, N. Petalidis, N. Alonistioti, “The Green House Management and Control Trial in Fi-Space”, Invited Key note speaker in Greek SEPVE, Thessaloniki 2013, Greece
V. Gazis, E. Patouni, N. Alonistioti, L. Merakos, “ Enabling Frameworks for Autonomic Adaptation of Networking Capacities in Future Internet Systems”, in “Internet and Distributed Computing Advancements: Theoretical Frameworks and Practical Applications”, IGI Global , 2013, ISBN 1466618892, 9781466618893.
P. Spapis, G. Katsikas, K. Chatzikokolakis, R. Arapoglou, M. Stamatelatos, N. Alonistioti, “Enhancing Environment Perception for Cooperative Power Control: an Experimental Perspective”. In the proceedings of International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems (IARIA) , 2012.
E. Patouni, B. Fuentes, N. Alonistioti, “A Network and Service Governance Framework: Case Study for Efficient Load Balancing”, IEEE 17th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modelingand Design of Communication Links and Networks 2012 (CAMAD 2012), 17-19 September, Barcelona, Spain
R. Arapoglou, N. Alonistioti, A. Rigas, G. Agapiou, “A novel cognitive engine towards geo-location based vertical handoff decision”, Special Session on IEEE 17th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks 2012 (CAMAD 2012), 17-19 September, Barcelona, Spain
A. Apostolidis, N. Alonistioti, “A mechanism for cell outage compensation”, COST IC0902 3rd workshop, Ohrid, FYROM, September 2012
E. Patouni, D. Kypriadis, N. Alonistioti, “ An efficient Load Balancing Scheme for Network Stability in Future Networks”, in Future Network Stability: Threats and Challenges I Workshop, Future Network & Mobile Summit 2012, 4-6 July 2012, Berlin, Germany
K. Chatzikokolakis, R. Arapoglou, A. Merentitis, N. Alonisioti, “Fair Power Control in Cooperative Systems Based on Evolutionary Techniques”, International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, UBICOMM 2012, Barcelona, Spain, September 2012
K. Chatzikokolakis, P. Spapis, M. Stamatelatos, G. Katsikas, R. Arapoglou, A. Kaloxylos, N. Alonistioti, “Spectrum Aggregation in Cognitive Radio Access Networks: business and power control aspects”, submitted for publication in “Evolution of Cognitive Networks and Self-Adaptive Communication Systems”, IGI Global, 2012.
I.P. Chochliouros, A.S. Spiliopoulou, E. Sfakianakis, N. Mitsopoulou, N. Alonistioti, M. Stamatelatos and P. Chatzimisios, “A Paradigm for the Development of Self-Growing Energy-Aware Networks”, (2012). In IEEE (Ed.), Proceedings of The 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Conference” (IWCMC-2012), August 27-31, 2012, Limassol, Cyprus [Supported by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)], (pp.654-659). CD-ROM. [ISBN: 978-1-4577-1379-8/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE]. Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/IWCMC.2012.6314282.
P. Magdalinos, A. Kousaridas, N Alonistioti, “Feedback-based Learning for Self-Managed Network Elements”, IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, pp.666-669, 2011
P. Spapis, G. Katsikas, M. Stamatelatos, K. Chatzikokolakis, R. Arapoglou, N. Alonistioti, “Learning Enhanced Environment Perception for Cooperative Power Control”, International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, UBICOMM 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, November 2011
L. Ciavaglia, Z. Altman, E. Patouni, A. Kaloxylos, N. Alonistioti, K. Tsagkaris, P. Vlacheas, “Coordination of Self-Organizing Network Mechanisms: Framework and Enablers”, ICST MONAMI 2011, Special Session on Future Research Directions, Aveiro, Portugal, September 21-23, 2011
N. Alonistioti, E. Schulz, G. Koudouridis, S. Delaere, J. Declerk, M. Stamatelatos, M. Emmelmann, I.P. Chochliouros and M. Mueck, “The Self-Growing Concept – A Novel Framework Developed by the FP7 CONSERN Project”, Proceedings of the CrownCom-2011, The 6th International ICST Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications, Osaka, Japan, 01-03 June 2011, pp.346-350. CD-ROM [ISBN: 978-1-4577-0140-5]. [Supported by the ICST – Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering].
E. Patouni, N. Alonistioti, “Lightweight Mechanisms for Self-Configuring Protocols”, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems (Mobilight 2010), 10-12 May 2010, Barcelona, Spain
A. Merentitis, A. Kaloxylos, M. Stamatelatos, N. Alonistioti, “Optimal Periodic Sensing and Low Energy Reasoning for cognitive devices”, IEEE MELECON 2010
A. Kousaridas, N Alonistioti, “Topology Control in self-Managed Wireless Networks”, 2nd International Conference of Mobile and Lightweight Wireless Systems – MOBILIGHT 2010
A. Mihailovic, G. Nguengang, A. Kousaridas, M. Israel, V. Conan, I.P. Chochliouros, M. Belesioti, ….N. Alonistioti, “An Approach for Designing Cognitive Self-Managed Future Internet”, Proc. Future Network & Mobile Summit Conference and Exhibition, 2010
P. Magdalinos, D. Makris, P. Spapis, C. Papazafeiropoulos, A. Kousaridas, M. Stamatelatos, N. Alonistioti, “Coverage and Capacity optimization of Self-Managed Future Internet Wireless Networks” Proc. Service Wave, pp.201-202, 2010
A. Kousaridas, A. Mihailovic, N. Alonistioti, “Dynamic Compartment Formation for Coverage Optimisation of Cognitive Wireless Networks”, IEEE 21st International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, pp. 2255-2260, 2010
I.P. Chochliouros, E. Sfakianakis, A. Kousaridas, J. Modeker, D. Wagner, A.S. Spiliopoulou, G. Agapiou, A. Mihailovic, Dev Pramil Audsin, M. Belesioti, A. Rigas, K. Chelidonis, E. Gazis, G. Nguengang, N. Alonistioti, C. Mizikakis, D. Katsaros and T. Doukoglou, “Design and Development of Essential Use-Cases for Self-Management in Future Internet Wireless Networks”, In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Mobile and Lightweight Wireless Systems – MOBILIGHT 2010, 10-12 May 2010, Barcelona, Spain. CD-ROM [ISBN: 978-963-9799-91-2]. [Supported by the ICST – Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering].
N. Alonistioti, A. Merentitis, M. Stamatelatos, E. Schulz, G. Koudouridis, B. Bochow, M. Schuster, P. Demeester, P. Ballon, S. Delaere, M. Mueck, C. Drewes, L. Van der Perre, J. Declerck, T. Lewis and I.P. Chochliouros, “Towards Self-Adaptable, Scalable, Dependable and Energy Efficient Networks: The Self-Growing Concept”, In IARIA-International Academy, Research and Industry Association (Ed.), Proceedings of the UBICOMM 2010,The Fourth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, October 25-30, 2010, Florence, Italy (pp.324-327). [ISBN: 978-1-61208-000-0].
N. Alonistioti, E. Schulz, A. Merentitis, M. Stamatelatos, B. Bochow, P. Ballon, M. Mueck, L. Van der Perre, T. Lewis and I. Chochliouros, “Cooperative and Self-Growing Energy-Aware Networks”, In Proceedings of the 7th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON) 2010,June 21-25, Boston-MA, USA. (pp.1-2) [ISBN: 978-1-4244-7150-8, ISBN: 978-1-4244-7151-5/10/$26.00©2010 IEEE. E-ISBN: 978-1-4244-7151-5].
I.P. Chochliouros, A.S. Spiliopoulou, M. Belesioti, E. Sfakianakis, G. Agapiou, G. Diakonikolaou, N. Alonistioti, P. Spapis, A. Kousaridas and A. Mihailovic, “Self-Manageability in the Context of Next-Generation Networks”, In FITCE (Federation of Telecommunications Engineers of the European Union) (Ed.), Proceedings of the 49th International Congress, “The Way of Santiago and European Telecommunications”, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain, September 01-04, 2010 (pp.299-309).
Belschner, J. Arnold, P. ; Eckhardt, H. ; Kuhn, E. ; Patouni, E. ; Kousaridas, A. ; Alonistioti, N. ; Saatsakis, A. ; Tsagkaris, K. ; Demestichas, P. , Optimisation of Radio Access Network Operation Introducing Self-x Functions: Use Cases, Algorithms, Expected Efficiency Gains, Vehicular Technology Conference, 2009. VTC Spring 2009. IEEE 69th, 26-29 April 2009, Page(s): 1- 5
P. Spapis, E. Patouni, N. Alonistioti, “Multi-Criteria Decision Making Enabling Self-Management and Migration to Future Internet Systems” Proc. ICT Mobile Summit 2009, 10-12 June, Santander, Spain
A Kousaridas, N Alonistioti, “Self-organizing cognitive network elements for next generation communication system”, – Proceedings of Networking and Electronic Commerce Conference, 2009
V. Gazis, A. Kousaridas, C. Polychronopoulos, T. Raptis, N. Alonistioti, “Self-Management Capacities in Future Internet Wireless Systems”, 1st International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications (ADAPTIVE), pp. 9-14, 2009
Ioannis P. Chochliouros, Nancy Alonistioti, Anastasia S. Spiliopoulou, George Agapiou, Andrej Mihailovic and Maria Belesioti, Self-management in Future Internet Wireless Networks: Dynamic Resource Allocation and Traffic Routing for Multi-service Provisioning, MOBILE LIGHTWEIGHT WIRELESS SYSTEMS, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2009, Volume 13, 230-241, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-03819-8_22
Mihailovic, A., Chochliouros, I. P., Kousaridas, A., Nguengang, G., Polychronopoulos, C., Borgel, J., Isral M., Conan V., … & Alonistioti, N. (2009). “Architectural Principles for Synergy of Self-management and Future Internet Evolution”, ICT Mobile Summit 2009.
Mihailovic, A., Nguengang, G. ; Borgel, J. ; Alonistioti, N., Building Knowledge Lifecycle and Situation Awareness in Self-Managed Cognitive Future Internet Networks, First International Conference on Emerging Network Intelligence, 11-16 Oct. 2009, Page(s): 3- 8
Mihailovic, A., Chochliouros, I.P. ; Georgiadou, E. ; Spiliopoulou, A.S. ; Sfakianakis, E. ; Belesioti, M. ; Nguengang, G. ; Borgel, J. ; Alonistioti, N., “Situation awareness mechanisms for cognitive networks”, International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications & Workshops, 2009. ICUMT ’09. 12-14 Oct. 2009, Page(s): 1- 6
Raptis, T., Polychronopoulos, C. ; Kousaridas, A. ; Spapis, P. ; Gazis, V. ; Alonistioti, N. ; Chochliouros, I., Technological Enablers for Self-Manageable Future Internet Elements, Future Computing, Service Computation, Cognitive, Adaptive, Content, Patterns, COMPUTATIONWORLD ’09. Computation World, Date of Conference: 15-20 Nov. 2009, Page(s): 499- 504
I.P. Chochliouros, G. Diakonikolaou, M. Belesioti, E. Sfakianakis, A.S. Spiliopoulou and N. Alonistioti, “Dynamic Spectrum Reallocation via Autonomic Management”, In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM-2009), Kos, Greece, 15-19 June 2009 (pp.1-5). CD-ROM (ISBN: 978-1-4244-4439-7/09/$25.00©2009 IEEE). [Digital Object Identifier:10.1109/WOWMOM.2009.5282398].
I.P. Chochliouros, A.S. Spiliopoulou, E. Georgiadou, M. Belesioti, E. Sfakianakis, G. Agapiou and N. Alonistioti, “A Model for Autonomic Network Management in the Scope of the Future Internet”, In FITCE (Federation of Telecommunications Engineers of the European Union) (Ed.), Proceedings of the 48th International Congress, “ICT Transformation – Global InfoSociety Realization in 2009?”, Prague, Czech Republic, September 03-05, 2009 (pp.102-106).
I.P. Chochliouros, A.S. Spiliopoulou, G. Diakonikolaou, M. Belesioti, E. Georgiadou, E. Sfakianakis, G. Nguengang, J. Borgel, A. Mihailovic, N. Alonistioti, A. Kousaridas and C. Polychronopoulos, “Innovative Autonomic Management for Future Internet Network Elements”, In ENEPROT-Union of Hellenic Scientists for Protypation and Standardization (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference “Standardization, Prototypes and Quality: A Means of Balkan Countries’ Collaboration”, October 09-10, 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp.11-35 [ISBN: 978-960-87973-9-0].
E. Patouni, O. Holland and N.Alonistioti, “Cognitive Functionalities for Mobile Terminal Self-Recovery and Protocol Auto-Configuration”, in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications 2008 (PIMRC 2008), 15-18 September 2008, Cannes, France
A. Merentitis, E. Patouni, N. Alonistioti and M.Doubrava, “To Reconfigure or Not to Reconfigure: Cognitive Mechanisms for Mobile Devices Decision Making”, in the Proceedings of the 68th IEEE Vehicular Technology conference, 21–24 September 2008, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Kousaridas A., Polychronopoulos C., Alonistioti. N., Mödeker. J., Marikar. A., Mihailovic. A., Agapiou. G., Chochliouros. I. & Heliotis, G. (2008), “Future Internet Elements: Cognition and Self-management Design Issues”, Autonomics 2008, SAC-FIRE Workshop, Turin, Italy.
Z. Boufidis, E. Patouni, A. Kousaridas, N. Alonistioti, and K. Nolte,”Architecture for End-to-End Efficiency distilled from Reconfigurability Outcomes”, ICT Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit 2008, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2008.
Kousaridas Apostolos, Alonistioti Nancy, “On a Synergetic Architecture for Cognitive Adaptive Behavior of Future Communication Systems”, 9th IEEE WoWMoM Symposium, pp. 1-7, 2008
Polychronopoulos C., Stamatelatos M., Alonistioti N. (2008), “Tracing the Parallel Paths of Knowledge Management in the Organizational Domain and the Autonomic Paradigm”, 8th Joint Conference on Knowledge – Based Software Engineering, Greece.
D. Bourse, M. Muck, D. Bateman, S. Buljore, N. Alonistioti, K. Moessner, E. Nicollet, E. Buracchini, P. Demestichas, M. Stamatelatos and E. Patouni, “FP6 E2R Programme Achievements and Impact”, Proceeding of the SDR 07 Technical Conference and Product Exposition, 2007
E. Patouni, N. Alonistioti, “Leveraging the Autonomicity Concept for Self-Configuration and Self-Management in Hot-Swapping Software Architectures”, In EC Beyond 3G Cluster Workshop on Cognition and Self-Management, 25 September 2007, Brussels, Belgium
N. Alonistioti, E. Patouni, R. Feuilette, “Context Management for Cognitive Systems – Impact in OMA DM”, Mobile Terminal Assisted Services Provisioning in a B3G Environment Workshop, IST MOTIVE, Athens, Greece, September 2007
M. Muck D. Bourse, K. Moessner, N. Alonistioti, P. Demestichas, E. Nicollet, E. Buracchini, D. Bateman, Z. Boufidis, E. Patouni, V. Stavroulaki, A. Trogolo, P. Goria, “End-to-End Reconfigurability in Heterogeneous Wireless Systems – Software and Cognitive Radio Solutions”, 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Budapest, Hungary, July 2007
V. Gazis, N. Alonistioti, L.Merakos, “Discovering feasible protocol stack combinations in Beyond 3G systems: Information model, search algorithms and performance”, in Proceedings of the 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC,2007, Athens, Greece, 2007.
Bourse, Didier, Markus Muck, David Bateman, Gemini Chengeleroyen, Olivier Simon, Nancy Alonistioti, Klaus Moessner, Eric Nicollet, Enrico Buracchini, and Panagiotis Demestichas. “End-to-End Reconfigurability–Management and Control of Adaptive Communication Systems.”, SDR Forum Technical Conference 2006
M. Muck, S. Buljore, D. Bourse, P. Martigne, A. Lilis, E. Patouni, M. Stamatelatos, N. Alonistioti, K. Tsagkaris, P. Demestichas “Reconfigurable Wireless Communication Systems applying Distributed Decision-Making in a Heterogeneous Radio Environment”, 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Budapest, Hungary, July 2007
Z. Boufidis, N. Alonistioti, R. Feuillette, O. Holland, J. Pan, and K. Moessner, “End-to-End Architecture for Cognitive Reconfigurable Wireless Networks”, Proc. 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Budapest, Hungary, July 2007
Z. Boufidis, N. Alonistioti, E. Patouni, M. Stamatelatos, M. Muck, and D. Bourse, “A Platform-Independent Model for Autonomously Reconfigurable User Equipment and Network Elements”, OMG 3rd Software-Based Communications (SBC) Workshop, Fairfax, VA USA, Mar. 2007
Z. Boufidis, E. Patouni, and N. Alonistioti, “System Architecture for Autonomously Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Mobile Radio Systems”, ETSI Software Defined Radio (SDR) / Cognitive Radio (CR) Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, Feb. 2007
M. Muck, S. Buljore, D. Bourse, P. Martigne, A. Lilis, E. Patouni, M. Stamatelatos, N. Alonistioti, “IEEE P1900.B: Cohabitation of multi-homing capable devices in a heterogeneous network context” Wireless World Research Forum – WWRF17, Heidelberg, Germany, 15-17 November 2006
E. Patouni, S. Gault, M. Muck, N. Alonistioti, “Autonomic Communications: Exploiting Advanced and Game Theoretical Techniques for RAT Selection and Protocol Reconfiguration”, The 3rd IFIP TC6 WG6.6 and WG6.3 International Workshop on Autonomic Communication (WAC 2006), Sept.25-29 in Paris, France, Best Paper Award
Z. Boufidis, N. Alonistioti, M. Stamatelatos, U. Lucking, J. Vogler, C., “End-to-End Architecture for Adaptive Communications Systems”, IEEE VTC Fall 06 Conference, Montreal Canada, 25-28.09.06
E. Patouni, A. Lilis, A. Merentitis, N. Alonistioti, C. Beaujean, D. Bourse, E. Nicollet, “Protocol Reconfiguration Schemes for Policy-based Equipment Management”, IEEE VTC Fall 06 Conference, Montreal Canada, 25-28.09.06
M. Muck, S. Gault, D. Bourse, K. Tsagkaris, P. Demestichas, Z. Boufidis, M. Stamatelatos, N. Alonistioti, “Evolution of Wireless Communication Systems towards Autonomously Managed, Cognitive Radio Functionalities”, IEEE VTC Fall 06 Conference, Montreal Canada, 25-28.09.06
E. Patouni, A. Merentitis, C. Polychronopoulos, A. Lilis and N. Alonistioti, “Exploiting Protocol Reconfiguration for Autonomic Communication Environments”, 15th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, June 2006, Mykonos, Greece
Z. Boufidis, N. Alonistioti, L. Merakos, “RSS: The Reconfiguration Support Subsystem for Next-Generation Mobile Networks”, IEEE ICC 06, Istanbul, Turkey, 11-15.06.06
E. Patouni and N. Alonistioti, “A Framework for the Deployment of Self-Managing and Self-Configuring Components in Autonomic Environments”, In International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2006), IEEE Autonomic Communications and Computing – ACC 2006, Niagara-Falls, Buffalo-NY (IEEE ACC 2006), pages 480– 484, June 2006
Z. Boufidis, N. Alonistioti, M. Stamatelatos, D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, M. Muck, “Evolution of the Reconfiguration Management Plane for Autonomic Communications”, IST Summit 06, Mykonos, Greece, 05-07.06.06
D. Bourse, M. Muck, O. Simon, N. Alonistioti, K. Moessner, E. Nicollet, D. Bateman, E. Buracchini, G.Chengeleroyen, P. Demestichas, “End-to-End Reconfigurability (E2R II): Management and Control of Adaptive Communication Systems”, IST Summit 06, Mykonos, Greece, 05-07.06.06
A. Mihailovic, N. Olaziregi, N. Berthet, D. Pirez, J.E. Goubard, A. Minokuchi, B. Souville, Z. Boufidis, N. Alonistioti , K. El-Khazen, “End-to-End Reconfigurability System Architecture Fundamentals”, IST Summit 06, Mykonos, Greece, 05-07.06.06
E. Patouni, N. Alonistioti, “Towards Self-Configuring Protocols for Reconfigurable Systems”, ICT06, Madeira, Portugal, 09-12.05.06
Z. Boufidis, N. Alonistioti, L. Merakos, “Quality of Service Negotiation in support of Post-Download User Sessions”, 4th Karlsruhe Workshop on Software Radios, Karlsruhe, Germany, 22-23.03.06
S. Panagiotakis, M. Koutsopoulou, A. Alonistioti, “Business Models and Revenue Streams in 3G Market”,
A. Alonistioti, C. Anagnostopoulos, M. Stamatelatos, “Evolution of Reconfiguration Metamodel”, OMG SBC’05, San Diego, CA, USA, 15-18.08.05, Pres.
Nancy Alonistioti, Alexandros Kaloxylos, Andreas Maras: “Mobility management for beyond 3G reconfigurable systems”. ICETE 2005, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunication Networks, Reading, UK, October 3-7, 2005. INSTICC Press 2005, ISBN 972-8865-32-5
E. Patouni, N. Alonistioti, P. Magdalinos, “A Framework for Protocol Reconfiguration”, MWCN 2005, Marocco, September 2005
Z. Boufidis, E. Patouni, N. Alonistioti, P. Magdalinos, D. Bourse and K. El-Khazen: “Exploiting the Reconfiguration Management Plane for Protocol Adaptation and Quality of Service Negotiation in B3G Systems”, Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), 15th Meeting, WG6, Paris, France, 08 December 2005
D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, R. Pintenet, N. Berthet, J. Voegler, N. Olaziregi, J. Brakensiek, K. Moessner, N. Alonistioti, “End-to-End Reconfigurability: Key Achievements and Learning of Phase 1 (2004-2005)”, SDRF Technical Conference, Anaheim, USA, 14-17.11.05
V. Stavroulaki, A. Katidiotis, P. Demestichas, S. Buljore, N. Alonistioti, E. Patouni, A. Glentis, F. Foukalas, J. Vogler, G. Pfeiffer, Q. Wei, S. Zhong, T. Farnham, C. Dolwin, RK Atukula, U. Luecking, S. Gultchev, K. Seo and K. Moessner, “A Management and Control Architecture for Enabling End-to-End Reconfigurable Equipment Operation”, Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), 13th Meeting, WG6, Jeju, South Korea, 03-04 March 2005
S. Panagiotakis, M. Koutsopoulou, A. Alonistioti, S. Thomopoulos, “Context Sensitive User Profiling for Customised Service Provision in Mobile Environments”, PIMRC2005, Berlin, Germany, 11-15 September 2005 .
C. Anagnostopoulos, A. Alonistioti, M. Stamatelatos, “Evolution on Reconfiguration Metamodel”, OMG Software-Based Communications, San Diego, USA, 2005
Maria Koutsopoulou, Spyridon Panagiotakis, Athanassia Alonistioti, Alexandros Kaloxylos, Middleware platform for the support of charging reconfiguration actions, NGNM 2005
E. Mohyeldin, J. Luo, E. Schulz, N. Olaziregi, Z. Boufidis, N. Alonistioti, and B. Souville, “E2R Network Architecture for Reconfigurable Radio”, Proc. WWRF#14, San Diego, California, USA, July 2005
Z. Boufidis, N. Alonistioti, and M. Dillinger, “Network Control and Management for Beyond 3G End-to-End Reconfiguration”, Proc. 14th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Dresden, Germany, June 2005
C. Anagnostopoulos, A. Alonistioti, M. Stamatelatos, “Reconfiguration Management of Self-Organising System Beyond 3G”, Proc. 14th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Dresden, Germany, June 2005
M. Koutsopoulou, S. Panagiotakis, N. Alonistioti, A. Kaloxylos, ”Customised Billing for Location-Based Services”, 5th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2005, Athens, Greece, June 2005.
Nancy Alonistioti, Zachos Boufidis, Nikos Houssos and Makis Stamatelatos, “Business and Management Challenges for End-to-End Reconfiguration”, Eurescom Summit 2005 on “Ubiquitous Services and Applications: Exploiting the Potential”, Heidelberg, Germany, April 2005
Didier Bourse, Karim El-Khazen, Antoine Delautre, Thomas Wiebke, Markus Dillinger, Jorg Brakensiek, Klaus Moessner, Guillaume Vivier, Nancy Alonistioti, European Research in End-to-End Reconfigurability, IST Mobile SUMMIT 2004
A. Alonistioti, C. Anagnostopoulos, M. Stamatelatos, “Reconfiguration Metamodel Description”, OMG SBC’04, Arlington, VA, USA, 13-16.09.04, Pres.
F. Marx, S. Hope, A. Delautre, E. Buracchini, P. Goria A. Trogolo, M. Stamatelatos, N. Alonistioti, A. Kaloxylos, G. Vivier, K. El-Khazen, M. Alvarez, “System Scenarios of End-to-End Reconfigurability”, SDR Forum Technical Conference, 15-18.11.04, Phoenix, USA.
D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, G. Vivier, Y. Denef, T. Wiebke, M. Dillinger, J. Brakensiek, K. Moessner, N. Alonistioti, “E2R Project: Major European Initiative on Reconfigurability”, SDR Forum Technical Conference, 15-18.11.04, Phoenix, USA.
Didier Bourse, Karim El-Khazen, Marylin Arndt, Nancy Alonistioti, Markus Dillinger, Jorg Brakensiek, Klaus Moessner, David Bateman “End-to-End Reconfigurability – Towards Seamless Experience”, Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), 13th Meeting, WG6, 02 – 03 March 2005, Jeju Island, Korea.
Stephen Hope, Miguel Alvarez, Alessandro Trogolo, Enrico Buracchini, Paolo Goria, Makis Stamatelatos, Yiorgos Ntarladimas, Nancy Alonistioti, Karim El-Khazen, Didier Bourse, “Business Models for End-to-End Reconfigurable Systems”, Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), 14th Meeting, WG6 (10-11.06.04)
S. Hope, F. Marx, M. Arndt, A. Delautre, E. Buracchini, P. Goria, A. Trogolo, M. Stamatelatos, N. Alonistioti, A. Kaloxylos, G. Vivier, K. El-Khazen, M. Alvarez, “End-to-End Reconfigurability System Scenarios”, Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), 11th Meeting, WG6 (10-11.06.04)
V. Stavroulaki, P. Demestichas, S. Buljore, P. Roux, N. Alonistioti, F. Foukalas, J. Brakensiek, R. Atukula, U. Lücking, S. Mende, T. Farnham, C. Dolwin, S. Zhong, J. Vogler, G. Pfeiffer, M. Halimid, S. Gultchev, “A System for the Management and Control of Equipment in an End-to-End Reconfigurability Context”, Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), 12th Meeting, WG6, 03-05.11.04, Toronto, Canada.
A. Glentis, N. Alonistioti, “Integrated reconfiguration management for the support of end to end reconfiguration”, Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks, IFIP TC6 / WG6.8 Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks (MWCN 2004), October 25-27, 2004, Paris, France
I. Demeure, S. Gessler, N. Alonistioti, N. Houssos , A reference model for adaptable service provisioning”, ICIN2004, 18 – 21 October, Bordeaux, France
N. Alonistioti, A. Glentis, F. Foukalas, A. Kaloxylos, “RMP: Reconfiguration Management Plane for the support of policy based network reconfiguration”, 15th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2004. PIMRC 2004, pp. 1394- 1397 Vol.2, Barcelona, Spain, September 2004
M. Stamatelatos, N. Alonistioti, A. Kaloxylos, K. Kafounis, P. Magdalinos, “Business Model and Actors for End to End Reconfigurable Systems”, 11th meeting Wireless World Research Forum, 10-11 June 2004, Oslo, Norway.
Z. Boufidis, M. Stamatelatos, N. Alonistioti, A. Delautre, M. Dillinger, M. Alvarez, “Actors, Management Plane, and Provision Challenges for End-to-End Reconfiguration”, E2R Workshop, Barcelona, Spain (05.09.04)
A. Delautre, JE. Goubard, N. Alonistioti, M. Stamatelatos, A. Kaloxylos, P. Leaves, G. Vivier, M. Alvarez, “Review of SDR: past, present and future initiatives”, ”, IST SUMMIT 2004
M. Fratti, Y. Denef, N. Olaziregi, A. Mihailovic, K. El-Khazen, D. Bourse, N. Alonistioti, “End-to-End Reconfigurability – System Architectures”, Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), 12th Meeting, WG6, 03-05.11.04, Toronto, Canada.
N. Alonistioti, Z. Boufidis, A. Kaloxylos, M. Dillinger, “Integrated Management Plane for Policy based End to End Reconfiguration Services”, IST SUMMIT 2004, Lyon, France, June 2004
M. Dillinger, G. Ravasio, N. Alonistioti, T. Wiebke, N. Olaziregi, “Flexible Network Management in a Reconfiguration Context”, IST SUMMIT 2004, Lyon, France, June 2004
N. Alonistioti, C. Anagnostopoulos, T. Tsounis, A. Kaloxylos, K. El-Khazen, G. Vivier, D. Nussbaum, A. Gozes, A. Delautre, J.-E. Goubard, “Evolution of E2R Prototyping Environment”, IST SUMMIT 2004, Lyon, France, June 2004
Maria Koutsopoulou, Alexandros Kaloxylos, Nancy Alonistioti and Lazaros Merakos, “A Holistic Solution for Charging, Billing & Accounting in 4G Mobile Systems”, IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC 2004 Spring, Milan, Italy, May 2004
Maria Koutsopoulou, Alexandros Kaloxylos, Nancy Alonistioti and Lazaros Merakos, “A generic framework for the management of Charging, Billing and Accounting process in heterogeneous networks”, 15th IRMA International Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, May 2004
Maria Koutsopoulou, Alexandros Kaloxylos, Nancy Alonistioti and Lazaros Merakos, “A Platform for Charging, Billing & Accounting in Future Mobile Networks”, 1st International Workshop on Next Generation Networking Middleware (NGNM04), Athens, Greece, May 2004
I. Demeure, S. Gessler, N. Alonistioti, N. Houssos, “ANWIRE visions of architectures for adaptable services in the wireless Internet”, #8bis Wireless World Research Forum, Beijing, PR China, 26-27 February 2004
Vangelis Gazis, Nancy Alonistioti and Lazaros Merakos, “Metadata Design for Introspection-Capable Reconfigurable Systems”, the Third IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference (Networking 2004), 9-14 May, 2004, Athens, Greece
M. Dillinger, N. Alonistioti, N. Olaziregi, T. Wiebke, “Network Functions for Supporting Reconfiguration in B3G Environments”, 3rd Workshop on Software Radios, Karlsruhe, March 17/18 2004, Germany
Siebert, Matthias, Hakima Chaouchi, Adil S. Jahan, Isabelle Demeure, Ivan Armuelles, Luis Palma, Luis M. Correia, … N. Alonistioti et al. “Towards an ANWIRE B3G Wireless System Integration Architecture.” In Wireless, Mobile and Always Best Connected 1st International ANWIRE Workshop, Glasgow, UK. 2003
N. Houssos, N. Alonistioti, L. Merakos, “A scheme for the introduction of 3rd party, application-specific adaptation features in mobile service provision”, DAIS-FMOODS workshop, 17-21 Nov. Paris, France, 2003
Markus Dillinger, Nikolas Olaziregi, Nancy Alonistioti, Katsuya Kawamura, Raquel García, Thomas Wiebke, “Network Architecture Supporting End to End Reconfiguration (E2R)”, WIRELESS WORLD RESEARCH FORUM 8BIS, 26 -27 Februar 2004 , Beijing, China
A. Alonistioti, F. Foukalas, N. Houssos, “Reconfigurability management issues for the support of flexible service provision and reconfigurable protocols”, Software Defined Radio Forum Technical Conference 2003 (SDR 2003), November 17-19, 2003, Orlando, Florida
V. Gazis, N. Housos, N. Alonistioti, “Reconfiguration Management in 3G/4G Mobile Environment: Requirements, Process and Architecture”, Software Defined Radio Forum Technical Conference 2003 (SDR 2003), November 17-19, 2003, Orlando, Florida
A. Delautre, D. Bourse, S. Buljore, N. Alonistioti, K. Moessner, “System Research, Business Path and Technology Roadmaps of End-to-End Reconfigurability”, Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), 10th Meeting, WG6, NYC, USA, 27-28 October 2003
N. Houssos, F. Foukalas, V. Gazis, K. Kafounis, N. Alonistioti, “Adaptability issues in Reconfigurable environments”, 2nd ANWIRE Workshop on Reconfigurability. Mykonos, Greece. September 2003.
M. Koutsopoulou, S. Panagiotakis, Z. Boufidis, A. Alonistioti, A. Kaloxylos, “Charging, Billing & Accounting in a multi-Operator and multi-Service Provider Environment”, 2nd ANWIRE Workshop on Reconfigurability. Mykonos, Greece. September 2003.
V. Gazis, N. Housos, M. Koutsopoulou, S. Pantazis, N. Alonistioti, “Towards reconfigurable 4G mobile environments”, 2nd ANWIRE Workshop on Reconfigurability. Mykonos, Greece. September 2003.
N. Houssos, A. Alonistioti, L. Merakos, “Towards efficient support of context-awareness in mobile systems”, ΙΕΕΕ PIMRC 2003, 7-10 September, Beijing, China
V. Gazis, N. Housos, N. Alonistioti, L. Merakos, “Service Provision and Reconfiguration Management in 4G Mobile Networks”, IEEE Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks – MWCN 2003, 27-29 October, Singapore
V. Gazis, N. Houssos, A. Alonistioti, L. Merakos, “On the complexity of “Always Best Connected” in 4G mobile networks”, Vehicular Technology Conference, 2003. VTC 2003-Fall. 2003 IEEE 58th, 6-9 Oct. 2003, Volume: 4 Page(s): 2312 – 2316 Vol.4
N. Houssos, V. Gazis, M. Koutsopoulou, A. Alonistioti, “Middleware platform support for the realization of advanced business models in beyond 3G environments”, 8th International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia MoMuC2003
Didier Bourse, Soodesh Buljore, Antoine Delautre, Thomas Wiebke, Markus Dillinger, Jorg Brakensiek, Klaus Moessner, Karim El-Khazen, Nancy Alonistioti, THE END-TO-END RECONFIGURABILITY (E2R) RESEARCH, 2nd SDR Technical Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, 17-19 November 2003
V. Gazis, N. Houssos, A. Alonistioti, L. Merakos, “Generic System Architecture for 4th generation mobile communications”, IEEE 57th Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Spring 2003, Jeju, Korea, April 2003.
M. Koutsopoulou, A. Kaloxylos, A. Alonistioti, “An integrated management platform for the support of advanced Charging Accounting & Billing schemes in Reconfigurable Mobile Networks”, 12th IST Summit on Mobile and Wireless Communications, Aveiro, Portugal, June 2003.
N. Houssos, V. Gazis, A. Alonistioti, ” Application-transparent adaptation in wireless systems beyond 3G”, 2nd International Conference on Mobile Business (M-Business 2003), Vienna, Austria, 23-24 June 2003.
V. Gazis, N. Houssos, A. Alonistioti, L. Merakos, “Service Provision Evolution In Mobile Communication Networks”, China-EU Post conference on Beyond 3G, Bejing, China, November 2002.
D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, A. Delautre, T. Wiebke, M. Dillinger, J. Brakensiek, K. Moessner, S. Buljore, N. Alonistioti, “End-to-End Reconfigurability (E2R)”, #8bis Wireless World Research Forum, Beijing, PR China, 26-27 February 2004
N. Houssos, V. Gazis, S. Panagiotakis, M. Koutsopoulou, A. Alonistioti, “Advanced Business Models and Flexible Service Provision for Reconfigurable Mobile Systems”, SDR Forum Technical Conference 2002 (SDR 2002), San Diego, California, November 2002.
N. Houssos, V. Gazis, A. Alonistioti, “A flexible management architecture for the support of advanced business models in 3G mobile service provision”, 1st International Conference on Mobile Business (M-Business 2002), Athens, Greece, 8-9 July 2002.
M. Koutsopoulou, A. Kaloxylos, A. Alonistioti, “Charging, Accounting and Billing as a Sophisticated and Reconfigurable Discrete Service for next Generation Mobile Networks”, Vehicular Technology Conference, 2002. Proceedings. VTC 2002-Fall. 2002 IEEE 56th, Volume: 4 Page(s): 2342 – 2345.
S. Panagiotakis, M. Koutsopoulou, A. Alonistioti, A. Kaloxylos, “Generic Framework for the Provision of Efficient Location-based Charging over Future Mobile Communication Networks”, The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2002, pp. 755- 759 vol.2, Lisbon, Portugal
V. Gazis, N. Houssos, A. Alonistioti, L. Merakos, “Evolving perspectives of 4th generation mobile communication systems”, IEEE The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2002, Volume: 1, Page(s): 201 – 207, Lisbon, Portugal
N. Houssos, S. Pantazis, A. Alonistioti, “Generic adaptation mechanism for the support of flexible service provision in 3G networks”, 4th International Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Communications Network, 2002, Page(s): 458- 462
N. Houssos, S. Pantazis, A. Alonistioti, “Towards adaptability in 3G service provision”, IST Mobile and Wireless Telecommunications Mobile Summit 2002, June 2002, Thessaloniki, Greece
S. Panagiotakis, M. Koutsopoulou, A. Alonistioti, “Advanced Location Information Management for Supporting Flexible Service Provisioning in Reconfigurable Mobile Networks”, IST Mobile and Wireless Telecommunications Mobile Summit 2002, June 2002, Thessaloniki, Greece
M. Koutsopoulou, N. Alonistioti, E. Gazis, A. Kaloxylos, “Adaptive Charging Accounting and Billing system for the support of advanced bussiness models for VAS provision in 3G systems”, 12th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2001, Volume: 1, Page(s): B-55 – B-59 vol.1, San Diego California
N. Alonistioti, E. Gazis, M. Koutsopoulou, S. Panagiotakis, ‘An application platform for downloadable VASs provision to mobile users’, Mobile Summit 2000, Galway, 1-4 October 2000.
A. Alonistioti, S. Panagiotakis, N. Houssos, A. Kaloxylos, “Issues for the provision of Location-dependent services over 3G networks”, International Symposium, 3rd Generation Infrastructure and Services, 2-3 July 2001, Athens, Greece
S. Panagiotakis, N. Houssos, N. Alonistioti, “Generic architecture and functionality to support downloadable service provision to mobile users”, 3rd generation infrastructure and services conference (3GIS), Athens, Greece, July 2001.
S. Panagiotakis, E. Gazis, M. Koutsopoulou, N. Houssos, Z. Boufidis, A. Alonistioti, “Roaming Issues for Service Provisioning in 3rd generation mobile networks”, Advanced Technologies, Applications and Market Strategies for 3G ( ATAMS 2001 ) Conference, Cracow, Poland, 17 – 20 June 2001.
A. Alonistioti, N. Houssos, S. Panagiotakis, M. Koutsopoulou, V. Gazis., “Intelligent architectures enabling flexible service provision and adaptability”, Wireless Design Conference (WDC 2002), London, UK, 15-17 May 2002.
S. Panagiotakis, N. Houssos, A. Alonistioti, “Integrated generic architecture for flexible service provision to mobile users”, IEEE 12th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2001), San Diego, California, USA, 30/9 – 3/10 2001, pp. 40-44.
A. Alonistioti, N. Houssos, S. Panagiotakis, “A framework for reconfigurable provisioning of services in mobile networks”, IEEE Sixth International Symposium on Communication Theory & Applications (ISCTA 2001), Ambleside, Lake District, UK, pp. 21-26.
A. Alonistioti, E. Zervas, G. Efthimiopoulos, I. Modeas, ‘Integration of IN/UMTS SDL-based “open” object oriented platforms and CORBA aspects for the support of software radio features’, Proc. ICT’98, International Conference on Telecommunications, Chalkidiki, Greece 1998.
A. Alonistioti, M. Koutsopoulou, G. Efthimiopoulos, A. Paschalis, ‘Mapping of SDL and CORBA Features for Modelling Software Radio Aspects’, Proc. ITI’98, 20th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, Pula, Kroatia 1998.
E. Zervas, A. Alonistioti, N. Passas, ‘A G-transform based systolic array for Least Squares Problems’, Proc. Eusipco-98, IX European Signal Processing Conference, Rhodes, Greece 1998.
A. Alonistioti, G. Nikolaidis, I. Modeas, ‘SDL-based Modelling and Design of IN/UMTS Handover Functionality’, Proc. SDL Forum’97, Evry, France 1997, pp. 19-34
A. Alonistioti, N. Loukas, L. Merakos, C. Halatsis, G. Nikolaidis, ‘Formal Design and Mapping of IN based Handover Functional Elements onto UMTS Network Architecture’, Proc. EPMCC’97, Bonn, Germany 1997, pp. 359-366
A. Alonistioti, P. Kostarakis, K. Dangakis, A.A. Alexandridis, A. Paschalis, N.Gaitanis, S. Xiroutsikos, E. Adilinis, A. Vlahakis, P. Katrivanos, ‘Integration of Test Procedures and Trials for DECT handsets’, Proc. of IWTCS’97 ‘Testing of Communicating Systems’, Korea 1997, pp. 57-64, vol. 10, 1997 IFIP.
A. Alonistioti, P. Kostarakis, N. Tsagkaris, ‘Formal Design of Switching Functionality for IN/UMTS Handover Service Provision’, Proc. of ITI’97, 19th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, Pula, Kroatia 1997, pp. 215-220, Edited by Damir Kalpic and Vesna Hljuz Dobric, Published by University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb.
A. Alonistioti, P. Kostarakis, K. Dangakis, A. Alexandridis, ‘Issues on Integration of Control Signalling in UMTS Access Network’, Proc. ComCon 6, 6th Annual International Conference on Advances in Communication and Control, Corfu 1997, pp. 649-659, Edited by William R. Wells, Published by University of Nevada Las Vegas.
N. Loukas, A. Alonistioti, P. Morrisey, L. Merakos, ‘Design and IN-based Modeling of Handover Protocols for UMTS’, Proc. IEEE-VTC’97, Vehicular Technology Conference, pp. 324-328, Arizona, USA 1997
G. Flemming, G. Nikolaidis, L. von Allmen, N. Alonistioti, M. Maraki, A. El-Hoiydi, B. Perrin, ‘Architecture and Design of the RAINBOW Mobile Terminals, Base Stations and Mobility Servers’, Proc. ACTS Mobile Communications SUMMIT’97, pp. 291-296, Aalborg, Denmark 1997.
N. Gaitanis, A. Paschalis, D. Gizopoulos, P. Kostarakis, K. Dangakis, A. Alexandridis, A. Alonistioti, ‘A Duplication System with Totally Self Checking Reconfiguration Capability’, Proc. 3rd IEEE International On-Line Testing Workshop, pp. 141-146, Crete, Greece 1997.
P. Kostarakis, A. Alexandridis, K. Dangakis, P. Katrivanos, A. Vlahakis, F. Lazarakis, A. Alonistioti, ‘Reference Implementation for ERMES Conformance Testing System’, Proc. ComCon 6, 6th Annual International Conference on Advances in Communication and Control, Corfu 1997, pp. 649-659, Edited by William R. Wells, Published by University of Nevada Las Vegas.